Thursday, 15 May 2014

Nut Milks: A Ranking

It’s time we got real with ourselves about nut milks.

Pistachio Milk

Pistachio Milk

Y'all, who are pistachios trying to kid here? GREEN milk? I don't think so, Dr. Seuss. Pistachios should stay where they belong (aka maybe just in ice cream or in commercials with random celebs).

Level of Nutitude: Installing a webcam in your apartment so you can watch your cat all day at work.

Brazil Nut Milk

Brazil Nut Milk

Like, we get it, Brazil nuts. You're included in trail mixes. But just because you're included DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BELOVED OR NECESSARY.

Level of Nutitude: Color-coding your refrigerator door's contents.

Peanut Milk

Peanut Milk

While peanut butter is arguably the most popular of the nut butters, it definitely falls short in the nut milks category. Better served as a snack or with jelly, tbh.

Level of Nutitude: Stubbornly wearing shorts and sandals when it's not quite weather-appropriate yet.

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