Thursday, 15 January 2015

2014 Was No Better Than 1998 For Gender Equality In Hollywood

This just in: Women haven’t made any progress in film in 17 years.

Did you know that half of the people in the world are women? A new study suggests that Hollywood does not!

Looking at the top 250 movies of 2014, a recent study from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University found that women occupied the same paltry percentage of leadership roles as they did in 1998: 17%. Which is to say, of all the directors, writers, producers, executive producers, editors, and cinematographers who worked on the most successful domestic films, 83% were men.

Martha M. Lauzen, Ph.D, director of the center that conducted the study, which is titled "The Celluloid Ceiling," described the dearth of women behind the scenes as "a complex problem with many contributing factors" in an email to BuzzFeed News.

Here's a breakdown of women in various leadership roles in the film industry in 1998 vs. 2014.

Here's a breakdown of women in various leadership roles in the film industry in 1998 vs. 2014.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Lauzen contended that not enough people are holding men accountable for fixing Hollywood's entrenched sexism.

"The issue of women's under-representation has been treated as a 'women's issue.' As a result, when journalists speak with studio heads and executives, they tend to only ask the women, such as Amy Pascal at Sony and Donna Langley at Universal, about the lack of women directors," Lauzen wrote in her email. "Men comprise the majority of studio executives. If the status of women's employment is ever going to change, the male majority will need to lead the way."

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

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