Thursday 29 January 2015

The Definitive Ranking Of Bravermans On NBC's "Parenthood"

As the series finale draws near, let’s take some time to reflect on (and ruthlessly rank) one of TV’s favorite families.

Seth Holt

Seth Holt

Ugh, Seth. The bad boy persona is just not a good look when you're 50. He values his music much more than his children, and after being absent for most of their childhood, he came back a couple of times throughout the show only to let them down — again. Overall he's a loser, the only thing he's got going for him is that he's John Corbett. (Aidan would never act like this, just saying.)


Haddie Braverman

Haddie Braverman

She was always mildly annoying, but was smart, responsible and a good sister to Max — remember when she helped him run for class president? She even somehow made dating a 21-year-old alcoholic seem like a great idea. Then, she went off to college AKA DISAPPEARED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Like wow, way to abandon your whole family! You're missing important stuff here!! Joel and Julia split up, do you even care? Your parents CREATED A SCHOOL. Have you even met Nora?! You're a deadbeat Braverman, go hang out with Seth.


Sydney Graham

Sydney Graham

There's no contest for who wins Drama Queen of the Braverman family. She has slammed more doors, stomped up more stairs, thrown more fits and screamed more often than anyone else on the show (and possibly in the history of television). Her sass is unmatched and, admittedly, entertaining to watch, but during her fits of rage she's said some pretty terrible things, including blaming Victor for their parents' marital issues and bullying a girl at school for being overweight. She's also been known to whip out the "I HATE YOU" scream. Syd, you are in need of a serious attitude adjustment.


Aida Braverman

Aida Braverman

Jasmine and Crosby's new baby who is ranked so low because she is too young to bring anything to the table. (Besides that colic phase....)


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