Thursday 23 January 2014

21 Things No One Tells You About Having A Baby

You think you know, but you have no idea.

Your hair gets really thick during pregnancy...

Your hair gets really thick during pregnancy...

Disney / Via

...and then falls out in clumps 3-6 months postpartum.

...and then falls out in clumps 3-6 months postpartum.

So whip your hair back and forth while you still got it.


Morning sickness can last the entire pregnancy.

Morning sickness can last the entire pregnancy.

Morning sickness traditionally subsides after the first trimester, but some women are nauseated throughout their entire pregnancy. / Via NBC

You cry a lot.

You cry a lot.

Your hormones are RAGING, causing all of your emotions to be intensified. Thankfully, a few weeks after the baby is born your estrogen and progesterone levels will go back to normal, and you won't walk around like Carrie Mathison.

Columbia Pictures / Via

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