Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Everyone Needs To Stop Trying To Make Peeing Into Your Own Mouth Go Viral

Ewww no, stop that. (NSFW, includes nudity.)

So apparently there’s a rather disgusting new trend in Australia which involves urinating in your own mouth.

So apparently there’s a rather disgusting new trend in Australia which involves urinating in your own mouth.

This guy was reportedly caught doing it at a Trash Talk show in Melbourne recently.

The disturbing craze is known as “bubbling” and has been covered widely by some sections of the media.

Adon1kam / Via

Bubbling hit the headlines in Australia last month when rugby league player Todd Carney was photographed urinating in his mouth on a night out.

Bubbling hit the headlines in Australia last month when rugby league player Todd Carney was photographed urinating in his mouth on a night out.

Facebook: Piss-in-your-mouth-for-todd-carney

His agent David Riolo later said the incident was meant to be a private joke "kept between mates".

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