Thursday 23 January 2014

33 Amazing Moments To Savor In Life

It all passes so quickly. Are you appreciating the ones that matter the most?

Opening your first paycheck.

Opening your first paycheck.

It's usually your smallest, but no other will fill you with as much pride and excitement.

Bearing witness to a turning point in history.

Bearing witness to a turning point in history.

Being present during something truly historic is rare. When these moments come it's best to sit up and take notice.

Flickr: outtacontext

Driving alone for the first time.

Driving alone for the first time.

Driving becomes commonplace all too soon. Enjoy that first "Holy crap! Am I really doing this all by myself?" moment.

Reveling in a great book.

Reveling in a great book.

Instead of tossing a brilliant book aside after finishing it, spend some time reflecting on the incredible journey you've just been on.

Columbia Pictures / Via

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