Monday 31 March 2014

The 58 Worst Things That Happen On Social Media


Jen Lewis / Via BuzzFeed

1. Posting a tweet with a typo.

2. Having the typo-ridden tweet retweeted.

3. Having the typo-ridden tweet retweeted 80 times and having your mistake exposed to the entire internet and feeling judged and defenseless and vulnerable.

4. Deleting a tweet only to have someone respond to it, exposing your dirty politics.

5. Trying to favorite a tweet and following that person by mistake.

6. Favoriting the wrong tweet.

7. Trying to reply to a tweet but hitting "tweet" too soon.

8. You @reply into a conversation of lots of people and it goes on without you.

9. Consequently finding out that YOUR friends are @talking without you.

10. Trying to fit a deep thought into 140 characters and then havng 2do dis.

11. Having to break your thoughts into multiple tweets.

12. Taking too long tweeting a live event and the moment passes.

13. Taking a lot of time formulating a tweet that gets 0 faves/retweets.

14. Being followed by your employers and having to censor yourself 100% of the time.

15. Getting new followers only to find out they're all BOTS.

16. Subtweeting and getting called out.

Jen Lewis / Via BuzzFeed

17. Scrolling through Instagram on your phone and accidentally double-tapping/liking someone's photo.

18. Scrolling through Instagram on your phone and accidentally double-tapping/liking someone's photo from six months ago.

19. Scrolling through Instagram on your phone and accidentally double-tapping/liking your crush's photo.

20. Immediately unliking it and realizing the notification/damage might have already been done.

21. Hitting "Share" too soon with no caption.

22. Hitting "Share" too soon when you were halfway through a caption.

23. Tagging the wrong person.

24. Tagging the wrong person and it's your crush.

25. Accidentally following someone you've been lurk-stalking.

26. When you have no intention of replying to a message but accidentally "see" it so you have to.

27. Coming up with a snappier caption after you've posted your photo.

28. Not being able to find a filter that is flattering to both you and your friends.

29. Uploading and immediately realizing you chose the wrong filter.

30. Drunkstagramming something inappropriate and seeing the next morning that your boss liked it.

31. Getting regrammed without credit.

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