Saturday 28 June 2014

What Your College Major Says About You

The first major decision you’ll make as an adult.



J-LIS BABY! You're super intense, always thinking about deadlines, and are constantly on the prowl for the next big story, even though you're "just" writing for your college newspaper. You're basically addicted to checking your email and Twitter, and you will not hesitate to correct everyone's grammar. You also get frustrated at how slow everyone else seems to be moving on campus. And when Saturday night comes? You don't get drunk, you get CRAZY drunk, because you don't do anything halfway.




You are OBSESSED with social media, especially #hashtags. You're 99% sure you could NOT live without your Starbucks lattes and your leggings. No one, NO ONE is better at picking a filter for Instagram pictures than you. But most of all, you love the sound of your own voice — you always have something to say about everything, and everyone NEEDS to hear your opinion, even if they don't want to hear it.




Drama doesn't stay on the stage for you, it permeates every corner of your life. You LIVE for the drama. Dark clothing and scarves are probably your ~thing~ when it comes to fashion, and you always, always hang out exclusively with your gaggle of theater friends. People who took theater classes to "get an easy A" were and forever will be the bane of your existence.

Warner Bros.



You were BORN to wear a suit and tie and tote around a suitcase, even if you don't really have anything to carry in it during your college years. You're a shark in the ocean that is college, and you LIVE for group projects — and may even get a little *too* passionate for them. Sure, a business major isn't the most exciting degree you can study for, but you're about the dollars, not the diploma, right?

20th Century Fox

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