Wednesday 23 July 2014

11 Reasons Republican Jody Hice Will Likely Be The Most Anti-Gay Member Of Congress

“We are enslaving and entrapping potentially hundreds of thousands of individuals in a lifestyle that frankly they are not.”

This is Jody Hice

This is Jody Hice

Jody Hice Facebook

On Tuesday, Jody Hice, a pastor and talk radio host, secured a win in a Republican primary to replace Rep. Paul Broun, who is retiring after a failed bid for Senate in Georgia.

The win by Hice all but guarantees he will be the next congressman from Georgia's 10th District, which overwhelming voted for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in 2012.

Hice is popular with some of the grassroots Republican kingmakers, such as conservative Redstate co-founder and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson who tweeted Tuesday night, "JODY HICE WINS!!!! AWESOME."

But Hice also represents a anti-gay viewpoint based on pseudo-science and outdated myths about gay Americans. The view is very present in his 2012 book, It's Now or Never: A Call to Reclaim America.

At Mother Jones, Tim Murphy has already pointed out some of the more provocative passages.

In one section of his book, Hice extensively quotes a 1987 column by gay writer Michael Swift, which suggests gay people want to sodomize children.

The column is satirical.

Take for instance this passage from his book claiming "the homosexual movement is also destroying America by aggressively seeking to destroy traditional families, religion and marriages for the purpose of removing all societal moral boundaries."

Take for instance this passage from his book claiming "the homosexual movement is also destroying America by aggressively seeking to destroy traditional families, religion and marriages for the purpose of removing all societal moral boundaries."

Jody Hice Book

In the subsequent paragraph, Hice says gay Americans will die sooner than straight Americans and have higher suicide rates as a result of their sexual orientation.

In the subsequent paragraph, Hice says gay Americans will die sooner than straight Americans and have higher suicide rates as a result of their sexual orientation.

Jody Hice Book

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