Sunday 27 July 2014

14 Ways To Make Running Suck Less

Because you’re sick of running like a wounded gazelle.

Get a running app.

Get a running app.

They track your pace and distance and are great at intimidating you into running. What do you mean yesterday I thought it was a good idea to be alerted to run at 8 a.m.?

RunKeeper / Via

Set a goal.

Set a goal.

Pizza. The goal is always pizza.

Ottoman Empire / Via

Walk first.

Walk first.

Tell yourself that you're just going for a walk. Once you're out there, your silly brain will probably be tricked into running. If not, you still got a walk in!

NBC / Via

Stretch at the right time.

Stretch at the right time.

Stretch after a few minutes of walking/jogging and at the end of your run. Never stretch cold muscles!

Paramount Pictures / Via

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