Saturday 19 July 2014

46 Thoughts Everyone Has When They Go To The Cheesecake Factory

The wait is how long?!

Photo by Niall Kennedy / Via Flickr: niallkennedy

1. OK, I really don't think the wait will be that bad. I mean, I feel that it's kind of a weird time to be going out to dinner.

2. WOW. This place is packed. Like, potential fire hazard packed.

3. People should not be bringing their kids this late to eat dinner.

4. Well, maybe it won't be too long of wait.

5. That hostess looks likes she totally hates her job.

6. That's RUDE, why would someone start talking to the hostess when it was clear that I was the next person in line to talk to her?

7. It's about time I got the hostess' attention.

8. How can the wait be THAT long?!

9. Ugh, I am already here, I might as well wait.

AMC/ Quick Meme

10. Why do those cheesecakes in the case have to look so good?

11. I am definitely going to treat myself to a slice.

12. Why is there nowhere to sit while I'm waiting?

13. How have only 20 minutes passed?!

14. Is it too late to leave and go to another restaurant?

15. Fuck it. I am already here.

16. OK. Why are those people over there getting seated? I am pretty sure they got here after me.

17. HOLD. ON. I know that couple being seated definitely got here way after me.

18. YESSS! I don't think I've ever been so happy for restaurant pager to go off.

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