Friday 18 July 2014

51 Badass Ladies Who Will Make You Proud To Be A Woman In 2014

“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” ― Nora Ephron

Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed

I spend a disproportionate amount of my day thinking about all the awesome women in the world, and how I can be more like them. I've always felt like there was something special about being a woman: an innate, magical strength that could overcome any obstacle. Women are deep, feeling creatures. We spend our days in between the layers of the things that are said, mulling over each moment for a sense of purpose.

It was strange, then, when I got older and realized that the world didn't always get that girls — women — were magical beings. The older I got, the more I felt the need to defend my specialness, and that of the women around me.

There are those who aren't interested in what women have to say — they would rather place us as props in a man's story. It's hard not to get dejected when you realize you may not be the protagonist of your own life, but I found solace in the lives of of the strong, interesting, complicated women around me. Women who didn't wait for the world to come to them but rather went after the world. Women who refused to be furniture in someone else's house. These were the women who saved me from myself, who made me want to grow up, and into, the fullest expression of who I could be.

For as long as I can remember, I've kept a running list of exceptional women in my mind. This is my list; it's not perfect or complete. There are still those whose stories and voices have yet to be heard. I hope one day I can add them to my list. But mostly, I hope you have your own list, and that it never stops growing.

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