Tuesday 22 July 2014

56 Signs That You're Definitely Getting Old(er)

“Yeah, I can’t go out tonight. I have to do laundry.”

1. You firmly believe that the Dyson Ball vacuum is one of the greatest inventions of our time

2. And infomercials are now pretty damn convincing

3. You've debated about which toilet bowl cleaner to purchase

4. But know exactly which toilet paper to buy

5. You enjoy going to Bed Bath & Beyond

6. And Pottery Barn

7. Candles make you happy

8. So do new socks

9. You understand the importance of good tupperware

10. You've brought a dish over to someone's home

11. And you're still pissed that they haven't returned it yet

Via movies-quotes.tumblr.com

12. You consider going to the post office as a "busy weekend"

13. You'd rather just stay home than go out

14. You know to avoid certain drinks/shots

15. And you actually avoid them

16. Crowded places easily frustrate you

17. You have a strong desire to make your own pizza

18. You know the best place to get a salad

19. You realize your metabolism is not what it used to be

20. You've discussed this issue with your friends

21. You believe eating Honey Nut Cheerios is indulging

Via okaayawesome.tumblr.com

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