Friday 25 July 2014

6 Phrases I Use When I've Lost Track Of A Conversation

How to make it seem like you were listening!

Do you ever get distracted when someone is talking to you?

Do you ever get distracted when someone is talking to you?

Nathan W. Pyle / Via



When to use this: A conversation about some kind of problem. People are always talking about problems, so this question likely fits in anywhere.

What this phrase accomplishes: This moves the conversation forward! Unless the conversation was about how you never listen. In that case, this question will come off as poorly timed.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via



When to use this: Most work related conversations. Jobs tend to give you deadlines and stuff, and it's kind of unfortunate but true.

What this phrase accomplishes: This shows you have a vague sense of the content of the conversation and are concerned, even if you don't know what's going on at this particular moment.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

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