Wednesday 23 July 2014

Anderson Cooper's Face = The Middle East

HBO’s John Oliver makes an excellent observation.

On Sunday's broadcast of Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver showed how comically similar Anderson Cooper's recent coverage of the current war in Gaza is to his previous CNN reports about the region's conflict in 2009.

"Why is CNN even wasting money having him report on this when they could just literally rerun his coverage form 5 years ago and no one would notice?" asked Oliver, adding, "Somehow in five years this situation has not improved, and [Cooper's] face has lost none of its virile yet tender magnetism."

Oliver then flashed back even further into CNN history to 2006, and a report from a younger, but still visually similar, Anderson Cooper.

"How does he look the same?!" Oliver demanded, before showing a Daily Show clip of himself from 2006.

"I have been ravaged by time!" joked Oliver, before pointing out, "and I have spent zero time in Gaza!"

Watch the entire Last Week Tonight segment below:

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