Wednesday 23 July 2014

Evolution Or Photoshop?

Can you tell natural selection from somebody messing about with copy and paste? Featuring the Photoshop work of @QuebecTango .

Kevin Renes/Robert Churchill/Thinkstock/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed

Photo credits:

All Photoshopped creations by @QuebecTango (more of this sort of thing at

except Red-Tipped Humble Penguin - Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed.

Real things:

Nudibranch - Klaus Stiefel on Flickr/Creative Commons

Monkey Face Orchid - Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire on Flickr/Creative Commons

Deep Sea Giant Isopod - NOAA Fisheries West Coast on Flickr/Creative Commons

Hairy Frogfish - Buzz on Flickr/Creative Commons

Cape Rain Frog - Abu Shawka/Wikipedia/Public Domain

Piglet Squid - REX USA/Gary Florin

Flapjack Octopus - Dante Fenolio/Science Photo Library

Fawn Leaf-Nosed Bat - B. G. Thomson/Science Photo Library

Red-Lipped Batfish - Reinhard Dirscherl, Visuals Unlimited/Science Photo Library

Egyptian Jerboa - E.R.Degginger/Science Photo Library

Ocean Sunfish - Gregory Ochocki/Science Photo Library

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