Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sonny The Dog Doesn't Let The World Keep Him Down

Warning: Feels ahead.

This is Sonny, a 9-year-old Golden Retriever.

This is Sonny, a 9-year-old Golden Retriever.

Tina Ruvalcaba / Via reddit.com

In an email to BuzzFeed, Sonny's owner, Tina Ruvalcaba, explained that Sonny had a stroke as a puppy, leaving him partially paralyzed.

In an email to BuzzFeed, Sonny's owner, Tina Ruvalcaba, explained that Sonny had a stroke as a puppy, leaving him partially paralyzed.

A breeder they knew had a dog who was having puppies, and Ruvalcaba and her husband wanted the runt of the litter.

Tina Ruvalcaba

When Sonny was a month old, Ruvalcaba noticed something wasn't quite right. "he would walk a few steps and fall over," she told BuzzFeed. "He looked like he was blind."

When Sonny was a month old, Ruvalcaba noticed something wasn't quite right. "he would walk a few steps and fall over," she told BuzzFeed. "He looked like he was blind."

The breeder rushed Sonny to a vet where they were told he had suffered a stroke. Later X-rays would show that Sonny was also missing a vertebrae, which is why his head hangs slightly forward.

Tina Ruvalcaba

The breeder offered Ruvalcaba the option to pick another dog, but she refused. "He was our boy and we would do whatever we needed to make his life comfortable and complete."

The breeder offered Ruvalcaba the option to pick another dog, but she refused. "He was our boy and we would do whatever we needed to make his life comfortable and complete."

Tina Ruvalcaba

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