Friday 18 July 2014

What Does Your University Degree Say About You?

An entirely accurate discussion.


"Geography students love rocks. And flags. They take holidays just to see landforms."

"And they will explain those landforms to their companions."


"Geography students are very friendly people."

"They want to have children just so they can make those exploding papier-mâché volcanoes with them. Which is a great reason."

"Medics are exceptionally good drinkers."

"It's because they know exactly how much abuse a liver can take, and are determined to test this theory."

"Medics will be the most likely to try and steal glasses from a pub. Also, they don't sleep. Because workload."

"Most people I know who do medicine are the last people I would trust to keep me alive. (Having said that, I'm still super grateful. Thanks, doctors!)"

"Engineering students will happily put your IKEA Billy bookshelf together."

"And they know the best way to chill beers very quickly. This annoys the physicists, but everybody else loves them."

"Lots of them run triathlons for fun."

"Oh, and they'll probably end up being pretty much the richest people you'll ever meet. Bastards."

"All the really friendly girls from school studied Dentistry. I think they just want to make a difference, even if it's small and tooth-based."

"They're essentially doctors mixed with miners."

"They'd be sincerely happy for their crush to be in a happy relationship with someone else."

"They would cook a meal for their crush and the person their crush is dating. They're that selfless."

"Everyone who does Travel and Tourism is very, very tanned."

"People who study Computer Science are very popular because people always need their Wi-Fi fixing."

"Though they hate fixing people's Wi-Fi."

"But they all end up with much cooler jobs than all the people who bullied them when they were 12."

"I feel like Maths students did not sign up for the the level of sheer weirdness that a Maths degree entails, and it's slightly broken them."

"They often take an extra few seconds to get jokes."

"There is always one insanely hot person in any maths class."

"And you can tell they're slightly sad that most of their classmates are the kind of people who wear walking boots to lectures."

"Nursing is made up of girls who will always hold your hair back when you puke. And boys who like those girls."

"They actually have to get a good night's sleep so can't act like real students. They're always tired. Kind and tired."


"People who do Law have those pencils you have to add bits of lead to."

"They take pub arguments way too seriously."

"And their voices could be described as 'booming'."

"Also, they really like telling people the law at inopportune times, but then when people actually ask what the law is, they suddenly become very shy."

"I think they get very annoyed with people who just did a conversion course."

"Business Studies students love PowerPoint presentations. Love them. They know all the special effects, like making the text appear one word at a time."

"They've read Steve Jobs's autobiography twice. They think he founded Microsoft."

"They have aggressive haircuts, and are very keen on 'minimalist design' (which basically just means white bookshelves)."

"Secretly they're still using their A-level textbooks."

"And yet, somehow, they'll be inexplicably successful."

"People who picked Media Studies have no clue why they're there. They meant to pick Marketing. Probably."

"Don't tell anybody, but they find the course actually teaches them useful things."

"Philosophy students had hoped for a better world when they began their course. Now they know there is no hope. But at least they can explain that concept in German."

"Lots of them are actually German."

"Or could pass for German in an identity parade."

"They'll often go weirdly vacant when you're in the pub, and you'll ask them if they're OK, and they'll sigh, and look like they're going to try to explain, and then they just shake their head and sigh again."

"Mostly wannabe ministers do Theology."

"The men are weirdly intense. They look at you like Kevin Spacey in Se7en. "

"But the girls are all dreamy Buddhists in floaty dresses."

"Psychology students = serial killers. Maybe."

"They like to think that they can understand you after the first term, but actually are transferring all their crap on to you."

"Dating a psychology student is a nightmare. 'I'm quite upset you were an hour late for our date.' 'But what are you really upset about?' 'That. That's exactly what I'm upset about.' 'Hmmmmmm.' *strokes chin*"

"Imagine being the parent of a first-term psychology student at Christmas. 'MUM, WHY DID YOU GET ME SOCKS YOU KNOW THAT REGRESSES ME.'"

"The most normal of all the science students are Biology students.

"You could take a Bio student to a wedding where they didn't know anybody and it would be fine."

"Lovely people. Make a cracking cup of tea."

"Although they do sometimes mutter 'interesting' during sex."

"And also after. Which is even more disconcerting."

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