Tuesday 28 October 2014

15 Of The Worst Places To Poop

Because pooping can be stressful.

At Work

At Work

Oh, is that your boss taking a loud dump next to you? Or is that your boss who just walked into the stall next to you as YOU’RE taking a loud dump? Or has every co-worker decided to come in and have a rousing conversation about Mondays while you're pooping like a maniac? No matter what, everything is terrible.

Comedy Central / Via pandawhale.com

On an Airplane

On an Airplane

“Everyone must return to their seats for landing, including the crazy person smelling up the back of the cabin who has been in there for way too long and, like, are you DEAD IN THERE!?”

Universal Pictures / Via iwasjustsayin.tumblr.com

On a Date

On a Date

“I’m sorry, I have to excuse myself for a solid 10 minutes so you’ll definitely know what I’m doing while I’m gone.”

Disney / Via lilisister.tumblr.com

The Bus/Train

The Bus/Train

On a bus or long train ride? A nice alternative to pooping there is to just smash open the window with your shoe/a small child and throw yourself out of said smashed window.

Fox / Via giphy.com

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