Monday 27 October 2014

Former Judges Fight Missouri's "Rush To Execute" A Triple-Murder Convict

Unless the justices — or another court — grant Mark Christeson a stay of execution, he is due to be executed Wednesday.

Missouri Department of Corrections

In an unusual filing at the Supreme Court on Monday, however, several former state and federal judges argue that the execution should not go forward because the "rush to execute" Christeson has "privileged finality above fairness." The former judges ask the Supreme Court to step in "to restore balance to the administration of the death penalty."

Christeson attempted to seek federal review of his conviction through a habeas corpus petition filed in 2005, but the federal district court denied his petition because it was filed late. The same lawyers who had represented him in that late filing — Eric Butts and Phil Horwitz — have continued to represent him since then.

Earlier this year, when Christeson found out that his habeas corpus petition had been dismissed and that the state was readying to execute him, attorney Jennifer Merrigan began attempting to have another lawyer appointed for Christeson.

The new lawyer, she argued, could bring a claim that Butts and Horwitz's actions are egregious enough that Christeson should still be able to pursue federal review of his conviction. Butts and Horwitz could not be expected to make that argument, she stated, as it would mean impugning their own legal work. As such, she concluded, they have a conflict of interest and Christeson should get a new lawyer.

After the trial court and 8th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request for substitution of counsel, Merrigan has asked the Supreme Court to do so — and to grant Christeson a stay of execution so this can be worked out.

Merrigan is not alone. Several former judges — including retired 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Nathaniel Jones, other former federal judges, former state supreme court justices, and other former state judges — filed a brief with the court in support of Christeson's claim. They argue that "the lower courts set the terrible precedent that federal courts can reject a capital inmate's request for relief without considering the core of his argument, or even ensuring that his attorneys are capable of representing his interests."

Another request for a stay of execution for Christeson based on Missouri's secrecy surrounding its execution protocol, filed by Butts, was denied by the full 8th Circuit. Butts could seek to appeal that denial at the Supreme Court.

Merrigan lays out Christeson's claim in Monday's filing at the Supreme Court:

Merrigan lays out Christeson's claim in Monday's filing at the Supreme Court:

Merrigan also claims that Butts and Horwitz have revealed privileged communications with Christeson in order to protect their own interests:

Merrigan also claims that Butts and Horwitz have revealed privileged communications with Christeson in order to protect their own interests:

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