Monday 27 October 2014

Windowless Planes Could Take To The Skies In The Next 10 Years

The windows would be replaced inside the cabin by screens projecting footage from cameras on the side of the plane.

This is what the future of aviation could look like – windowless planes.

This is what the future of aviation could look like – windowless planes.

The concept design is the work of the Teesside-based Centre for Process Innovation (CPI).

The Guardian reported that it would see the windows replaced with full-length OLED screens displaying panoramic views captured by cameras mounted on the plane’s exterior, as well as providing in-flight entertainment and internet access.

Centre for Process Innovation / Via

Removing the windows from the aircraft would reduce its weight and therefore the cost for the passenger and airline, the firm said.

In a video uploaded to YouTube on 15 October, the CPI said over 3 billion people fly around the world every year, using 220,000 gallons of fuel and producing over 705 million tonnes of CO2.

Dr Jon Helliwell of the CPI was quoted by The Guardian as saying: “We had been speaking to people in aerospace and we understood that there was this need to take weight out of aircraft."

"Follow the logical thought through. Let’s take all the windows out – that’s what they do in cargo aircraft – what are the passengers going to do? If you think about it, it’s only really the people that are sitting next to windows that will suffer."

Helliwell said windowless planes could become a reality in 10 years.

“We are talking about it now because it matches the kind of development timelines that they have in the aerospace industry,” he added.

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