Friday, 1 August 2014

68 Thoughts Every Single Person Has At A Wedding

Straight line distance to the cheese.

1. Hmm wedding starts at 5 pm? I have all day to get ready, no problem.


2. Wow I should probably start doing something with my life now.

3. Could I get away with not washing my hair and just using some dry shampoo?

4. No. There will be photographic evidence of this event.

5. OoOoO maybe I will meet my future soulmate there.

6. Lol nope probs going to be all middle-aged people suggesting the Electric Slide.

7. Would be nice to have someone to zip up my dress.

8. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, amirite?

9. OK well whoever penned that expression is now responsible for my pulled shoulder.

10. OK so when can I take these heels off?

11. Why is every single man dressed the same?

12. What is a cummerbund?

13. What is the etymology of cummerbund?

14. Is it not socially acceptable to take off my heels and sit here with bare feet?

15. Did I miss the "I now pronounce you..." part???

16. Ugh these chairs are so uncomfortable.

17. Butt is numb.


19. This feels pretty voyeuristic.

20. Aw but they love each other.

21. Love is just a bunch of chemicals tho.

22. Lol ~~~bitter~~~.

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